43 Organizations Reach Agreement on Letter to U.S. Supreme Court

Source: ACSOL

A total of 43 organizations, including ACSOL and NARSOL, have reached an agreement regarding a letter to be sent this week to Chief Justice John Roberts of the U.S. Supreme Court.  The letter criticizes the court for its decision, Smith v. Doe, that has negatively and significantly impacted the lives of those required to register as well as their families.

The list of significant adverse effects listed in the letter include unemployment or underemployment, limited housing opportunities, denied entry into homeless shelters and prohibited from being buried in a military cemetery.  The letter also notes that registrants and members of their families are often harassed, threatened and assaulted.  In some cases, vigilantes have  killed registrants and family members.

The letter notifies members of the Court that there will be a vigil near the steps of the Court on March 3 at 11 a.m. in order to educate the Court regarding the results of its decision issued 22 years ago.  The March 3 event will be the third annual vigil to be held at that location.

The letter takes notice that the Court’s decision was based, in part, upon the myth that the re-offense rate for sex-related crimes is “frightening and high” up to 80 percent.  The source of that myth is one statement made in one article published in Psychology Today magazine and was not the result of any type of research.  Instead, it was a marketing statement made by a counselor.

The 43 organizations include eight national organizations as well as 35 state organizations.  

“It is notable that 43 organizations have joined together to help educate the U.S. Supreme Court regarding a mistake it made 22 years ago,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “The Court can and should correct its mistake as soon as possible.”

In addition to the vigil, a one-day conference will be held on Sunday, March 2.  Representatives of the eight national organizations have been invited to speak or present a workshop during the conference.  The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn National Airport, 2650 Richmond Highway, Arlington, Virginia.  Registrants can visit the State of Virginia for up to 30 days before they are required to register.

Click here to sign up for the conference.  The cost to attend the conference is only $25 and scholarships are available upon request.

Click here to download the following letter

Letter to SCOTUS - Jan 2025


Click here to download the above letter


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Is Patty Wetterling aware of this letter?

Advocates for Change – Colorado
Family Voices – Colorado

would like to be added to the list of signatories for this letter to the Supreme Court. Is it too late?

No one from Colorado?

A result of having to register is no longer being allowed to attend the church my wife and I have been members of since 1995. My P.O. Said I could attend church as long as I got a letter from our Pastor stating it is okay to attend. Well, the churches insurance company stipulates that if it is known a church member has to register, that person cannot be allowed to be a member. How is this okay? I do not know how to address this, since we have many church friends who wish for our return. This not only affects me, but my wife and friends. How is this positive and rehabilitative? How can a person not be allowed to attend the church of their choice? Very contradictory to biblical teachings about repentance and church membership. How can a church allow a man-made institution to override God’s word?